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Baptisms, Weddings and Services of Memory

Celebrations and Care Ministry

This ministry coordinates pastoral care for the congregation, including making hospital calls and home visits, administering the sacraments of baptism and holy communion, and providing spiritual guidance. The Pastoral Care staff arranges funerals, memorial services, weddings, public and private baptisms, and communion in worship services and homes. 

For all questions regarding pastoral care contact Jane Torbica, Care Coordinator, at  or call (614) 488-0681 ext. 235.


The sacrament of baptism is an outward sign and seal of the love of God and a sacred covenant between the family and the congregation. Click below to fill out a form to schedule a baptism.

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First Community welcomes members and nonmembers to hold their wedding ceremonies at one of our beautiful locations. 

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Commitment Ceremonies

Commitment ceremonies establish a covenant relationship between two people who choose not to marry. In endeavoring to support these couples and affirm them, we offer commitment ceremonies for those who wish to make a faith commitment to each other before God.

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Memorial Services and Funerals

Ministry at the time of death is offered by the church for the nurture of the members of our congregation and the community. Click below for guidance on planning a Service of Memory and to learn more about the Columbarium and Memorial Garden.

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Care and Prayer

Our Pastoral Care staff is available if you desire a visit or call during an illness, hospitalization or time of need. To schedule a pastoral care appointment or request prayer, contact Jane Torbica at   or (614) 488-0681 ext. 235.  

Prayer Request

Submit a prayer request by clicking HERE. Prayer request are held in confidence and unpublished unless requested to be shared with the pastoral care staff by the one submitting the prayer. 

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Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral Care is inter-twined throughout all the programs and the business of the congregation as we explore life together. 

Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance Ministry provides spiritual direction or guidance to those seeking spiritual companionship in the contemplative life. The ministry connects individuals with clergy and lay spiritual directors who mutually agree to an intentional path of spiritual growth. Contact Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan, the Minister of Pastoral Care, to learn more about the ministry and to suggest a possible spiritual director.