Regular worship schedule resumes this week. Click here for details.

Memorial Services and Columbarium

To inquire about scheduling or pre-planning a Memorial Service, Funeral, or Interment email Jane Torbica in the Pastoral Care office or call (614) 488-0681 ext. 235

Planning a Funeral or Memorial Service

Whether a death has already occurred or you are looking to pre-plan, the Pastoral Care office is here to help. Ministry at the time of death is a service offered by the church for the nurture of the members of our congregation and the greater community. Take a look at the resources and list of fees offered below, and please contact the Pastoral Care office for assistance. Our Clergy and the funeral home of your choosing will work together to lead you through the steps that need to be taken in planning a service.

This document will help guide you through some of the questions to consider when planning a funeral or memorial service. The list of fees for members and non-members as well as some music considerations are included. This document provides information regarding service of memory receptions.

Funeral and Memorial Service Planning Document

Memorial Service Reception Information


The Columbarium is located at First Community- North (3777 Dublin Rd.)

The Columbarium is a beautiful resting place for the cremated remains (ashes) of deceased persons. The word “columbarium” comes from the Latin word columbary, meaning dovecote, a nesting place for doves. In Christianity, the dove is regarded as the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

The Columbarium at First Community North provides a beautiful setting that will honor and perpetuate cherished memories of deceased loved ones. The Columbarium serves as a living memorial to those who have gone before us. This space, including the labyrinth and the serenity of the garden setting, invites prayer and meditation and honors the deceased. A designed lighting project was recently completed that creates a beautiful and sacred space after dark. The association with the North Sanctuary provides permanency in a sacred space.

If desired, a committal service officiated by one of the Clergy will be conducted at the time of the interment of the cremated remains. To schedule a committal service in the Columbarium, please contact Jane Torbica in the Pastoral Care office or call (614) 488-0681 ext. 235.

To take a look at the brochure and see the list of fees, click the button below.

Download brochure

Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden is located at First Community South (1320 Cambridge Blvd.)

The Memorial Garden is a place of remembrance located adjacent to the main sanctuary where the cremated remains of the deceased may be interred in the soil and their names memorialized on the wall at the entrance. It is set apart for meditation and contemplation and for remembrance of the deceased. It is a visible reminder of those in our church community who have gone before us to the nearer presence of God.

“By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19

If desired, a committal service officiated by one of the Clergy will be conducted at the time of the interment of the cremated remains. To schedule a committal service in the Memorial Garden, please contact Jane Torbica in the Pastoral Care office or call (614) 488-0681 ext. 235.

To take a look at the brochure and see the list of fees, click the button below. 

download brochure