Click here for Sunday worship times and locations.

Care and Prayer

To request prayer or pastoral care, email Jane Torbica, Care Coordinator, or call (614) 488-0681 ext. 235.

Prayer Needs
Submit a prayer request by clicking HERE. Prayer request are held in confidence and unpublished unless requested to be shared with the pastoral care staff by the one submitting the prayer. 

Pastoral Care
Our Pastoral Care staff is available if you desire a visit or call during an illness, hospitalization or time of need. Because of HIPAA privacy laws, we may not know if a member or their loved one is in the hospital or a care facility. We appreciate our members helping us stay informed. Please notify us of an illness, hospitalization, move to a care facility or time of need. 

For specific support groups, we recommend considering the many opportunities available at Ohio Health.

Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is a group of active church members who devote time each day to pray for those who request prayer. All prayers are held with confidentiality. Prayer requests can include as much or as little information as you wish. 

Prayers and Squares Quilt Ministry
Thursdays, 9:30 – 11:30 am
Annex, South

This wonderful group started from an example set by a church in California and is now a member as Chapter 61 of the national Prayers and Squares interfaith organization. They gather weekly to make quilts for those who are living with a debilitating illness, have had an accident or simply need the special prayers of others during difficult times. The purpose of the quilts is to promote prayer. “It is not about the quilt; it’s all about the prayers.”