Regular worship schedule resumes this week. Click here for details.

Founded in 1910, First Community is a multi-faceted community grounded in the teachings of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace. At First Community we agree to differ, unite to serve, and resolve to love. We provide sanctuary and foster growth through worship, study and fellowship, service and sanctuary, and celebration—and we model God’s unconditional love and acceptance of all. Acceptance which transcends tolerance through non judgment and embracement of every person, wherever they are in their personal and spiritual journey.

  • We take the bible seriously, but not literally, and find more value in the search for meaning than in absolute certainty.
  • We accept that there are other pathways to the Divine, so we explore a variety of spiritual disciplines and encourage the pursuit of individual journeys.
  • We believe that the ultimate demonstration of faith and purpose comes from compassionate action and standing with those who suffer. While we honor tradition, we are open to change and evolution.
  • We fulfill our purpose through the following ministries: (See Sections Below)

Worship, Study and Fellowship



Two worship centers—First Community Church North and South—with numerous services, a weekly online and on-air broadcast of services, as well as a series of podcasts. Our Ministers also conduct a range of Celebration and Pastoral Care including weddings, funerals, memorial services, and prayer and pastoral counseling.

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Study and Fellowship

First Community Ministries engages three communities— youth, adult and older adults— in the exploration of curiosity and inquisitiveness. Our youth ministries and early childhood development programs include Camp Akita, Mary Evans Early Childhood Development Center and Preschool, and the Spiritual Life & Learning Center.

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Missions and Music



First Community Missions promote empathy and provide non-judgmental love through numerous mission trips, events, task forces, and other programming.

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We celebrate the joy of music through various Music Programs including our youth choir, the Chancel Choir, The Cambridge Choir, The Chamber Singers, and the Whitechapel Ringers who participate in services and perform at various events.

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Early Childhood Education


Mary Evans Child Development Center

The Mary Evans Child Development Center is an award-winning, full-time Early Childhood Program is open 50 weeks a year from 7 am to 6 pm . There are openings beginning in June, for summer and continuing into the school year, or beginning in late August and continuing through the school year.

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First Community Preschool

The Preschool is for young children as they are.  Every facet of the program is thought of in terms of how it can help the child understand self, communicate with others, and learn by doing.

When you walk into one of our classrooms, everything that you see is part of a carefully planned, developmentally appropriate structure that takes into account the work of childhood and the uniqueness of each child. Each day children are offered opportunities for open-ended use of art materials, manipulatives to build small muscle coordination, dramatic play set-ups to encourage imagination and cooperative play, scientific exploration, music and the joy of finger plays, stories and puppets, materials for building and places to climb, jump and run.

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Camp Akita and Heart to Heart Food Pantry


Camp Akita

Camp Akita is a place of fun and reflection where all who enter are encouraged to strengthen their relationship with God, self, others, and nature.

This peaceful, year-round retreat, conveniently located 45 miles south of Columbus, offers modern, spacious accommodations and numerous recreational amenities in a breathtaking setting — the perfect combination for a weekend or week getaway with family and friends. Larger groups, including schools to corporations, are welcome too. Learn more about summer camp, group programs, or facility rentals.

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Heart to Heart Food Pantry

Heart to Heart is a choice food pantry serving the Central Ohio community eligible for assistance through The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).  We provide clients the opportunity to select a three day supply of food and personal items for every member of the household in a dignified setting. Although we do not provide financial aid, we have on-site social workers that can help clients find alternative means of assistance and several other service providers who visit the site of a regular basis.

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