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Refugee Ministry Team

About Us

The Refugee Ministry Team (previously known as the Refugee Task Force) has a long history of assisting refugee and immigrant families with the transition into life in Columbus. Since 1977, they have worked closely with resettlement agencies such as CRIS (Community Refugee and Immigration Services) and UsTogether to sponsor new arrivals and to assist with emergency funds for expenses and unexpected costs not covered by federal assistance.  They also help special needs situations, such as in-home English tutoring for those unable to attend group classes.
The Refugee Ministry Team meets monthly on the second Tuesday, 6:00, on Zoom. Email for a link. 
The Refugee Ministry Team operates entirely on financial contributions from the church and community.  Donations are accepted online here.
Under Fund, choose "Missions Designated Funds" then choose "Refugee Ministry" under Sub-Fund.
Church Staff Contact: Mission Office 614 488.0681 x106
Volunteer Team Leader: Shirley Barney 614-425-4687

Refugee Arrival Teams

In 2021, we began the work to form arrival teams at First Community, which will be the focus of this ministry moving forward. These Arrival Teams will work closely with CRIS to help resettle incoming families to the Columbus area. Enough funds were raised to support at least three incoming families so far. This image outlines the responsibilities of an Arrival Team.
How You Can Help
  • Volunteer to be part of the team! The arrival team has many roles to fill, and works with the family for a few months after their arrival.
  • Items are needed to complete a Welcome Kit to give families upon their arrival. Please click below to view the items needed and instructions for donation.
  • If you cannot volunteer or make a donation, contact the team leader, Shirley Barney, to see how else you may be able to help!
Arrival Team Sign-Up
request to join the team's private facebook group