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April 28 9 and 11 am services at FC North. Please note there is NO 10 am South service on this day.

Day 20

Day 20

by Mary Kate Buchanan on October 29, 2021

Day 20

Friday, October 29, 2021
Ruth 2:1-9

Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves behind the harvesters…

I went out to brunch after worship one Sunday and the waiter came and dropped off a skillet of warm, gooey cinnamon rolls. They looked (and smelled!) amazing, but we didn’t order them. We told the waiter and she replied, “Oh I know, but it’s getting to the end of brunch and we had one leftover. Enjoy!”

Ah, yes...leftovers. Controversial opinion: I think leftovers are delicious and sometimes even better than the first time I ate whatever it was! Our scriptures, including the passage for today, talk a whole lot about leftovers, gleaning, and not letting things go to waste, and it got me thinking about this season of giving. I was reminded that many amongst us don’t have extra to give these days. After the rent, insurance, gas, car, electric, school supplies… there isn’t always too much leftover. We want to give generously to the glory of God, however sometimes just a little bit of what’s leftover is all we have to give. Consider this- God delights in your leftovers just as much as I delighted in leftover cinnamon rolls (A whole lot!) So this day, may we give whatever we’ve got to the glory of God, because glorifying God is exactly what it does.

Dear God, I ain’t got a lot, but thank you for what I do. Amen.

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