Warm Welcome Knitters
Fourth Tuesday, from 01/28/2025 to 04/22/2025, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
The 2024 Nominating Committee is developing a slate of nominees for open positions on the Governing Board and Board of Deacons to serve terms beginning with the 2025 Annual Meeting. We depend on church members’ participation.
It is important that the members of the Governing Board and Board of Deacons reflect the areas of involvement and diversity of the congregation to ensure that First Community’s lay leaders accurately represent our church.
We ask that you submit your name or the names of individuals who meet the requirements to serve as members of the of the Governing Board and/or Board of Deacons (see below). Please prayerfully consider yourself and/or other members that may fit these needs of the positions.
If you would like to be considered to serve, please complete the following self-nomination form. If you would know of others who would fit the current needs, please talk to them, and encourage them to fill out the form. Please see the buttons below to access the fillable PDF or online form. Please note, if a member submits a self-nomination form and does not become part of this year’s slate, we will ask to hold their name for future years when they may better fit the needs of the board.
Your input to the Nominating Committee is greatly appreciated.
complete online nomination form here
If using the fillable PDF, please email complete nomination forms to or drop off in a sealed envelope with "Attn: Shelly Sagraves" at reception desk at either North of South. You may also mail to Shelly Sagraves, 1320 Cambridge Blvd, Columbus OH, 43212