Regular worship schedule continues this week. Click here for details.

K-5 Ministry

Our goal is to help children develop a sustainable faith and personal resilience that will guide and them as they grow, mature, and move out into the world. Our relational ministry provides programs and activities for children to encounter God’s unconditional love and grace, while gaining awareness of our responsibility to care for one another.

We offer multiple opportunities for children and families to connect and grow spiritually, develop a strong sense of community with one another, and become vital members of our church and the world. By providing a wide range of church-sponsored events and involvement throughout the week, we are able to provide touchpoints for children and families to connect with God, the church and others beyond Sunday mornings.

To find out more about our theology and ways to support your child in their faith journey, click here.

Sunday School

Sunday at First Community North at  9 and 11 am

Please enter through the Narthex doors and check-in at the Welcome Center. Children will begin in worship with their families and will be released to their Sunday school teachers following our Children's Moment. Parents can pick up their children in their classrooms following service.

Sunday at First Community South at 10 am

Please enter through the Crane Welcome Center and check-in with an Open-Door Ministry volunteer.  Children will begin in worship with their families and will be released to their Sunday school teacher during the Welcome. Parents can pick up their children in the Wicker Room following service.

Midweek Missions

5:30 PM Community Dinner-with families at The Gathering
5:45 PM Worship
6-7 PM Midweek Missions and Youth Choir 
By request, Midweek Missions and Youth Choirs will now invite Middle Schoolers to join in the fun of our Wednesday evening programming.
Midweek Missions is a place where kids in kindergarten- 8th grade can be God’s hands and do important work to support our church and Columbus community. We will use our hands, hearts, and minds to do projects that support groups in our church like the Mission Council, Heart to Heart food pantry, and our Older Adults. We will also reach out to folks in the greater Columbus community by making Thanksgiving Baskets for Gladden Community House in Franklinton and doing projects for organizations in Columbus like CRIS (Community Refugee and Immigration Services), and the Open shelter through Seeds of Caring. A central focus of Midweek is on building empathy as a path to seeing the humanity of all people. 

Registration is open now! Click HERE.

Staff will walk participants between MWM and Choir so children will be supervised for an hour.

Contact Julie Richards, Director of K-5 Ministry, with questions.

Parenting Seminars

Topics will be presented using a variety of formats followed by time for discussion and fellowship. Seminars will be offered at different times throughout the year. Watch for updates in emails and firstnews.

Special Events

Cherub and Junior Choirs

In an emotionally safe environment, the Youth Choirs at First Community Church provide a loving community for children as they explore music literacy and vocal technique. Children in the choirs become active and confident participants in worship as they bring their song of praise and prayer to God.

Detailed rehearsal and performance schedules are given to parents at the first rehearsal in September, for September through December, and the first rehearsal in January, for January through May. In December, all the youth choirs (K-12) combine to present a Christmas Musical during worship.

learn more

Click here to Register for all K-12 programs
Click here to review our Ministry's
Child Safety Code of Conduct
for all staff members and volunteers