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Our Staff

Sarah Kientz

Minister to Youth and Camp Akita

Office: (614) 486-2942, ext. 126

I grew up in Upper Arlington and became involved at First Community during high school. I served as a counselor at Camp Akita during college and after graduating, I ran the high school ministry, oversaw youth mission trips, and served as a Director at Camp Akita from 2009 – 2016. My love of creating immersive experiences in which young people can grow their relationships with God, self, and others inspired me to pursue an MDiv at Vanderbilt Divinity School (2018) and become an Ordained Minister in the United Church of Christ (2019). My biggest passion is helping others feel seen, celebrated, and loved. Fun facts about me include: I have several fake teeth, I’m a Harry Potter nerd, and I have a chocolate lab named Otter.

My writing was published in Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible (Westminster John Knox Press, 2018), I serve on the contingent Chaplain staff at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and I’m  currently the Secretary of S.A.I.L., the Safe Alliance of Interfaith Leaders.

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