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Deep Griha Dinner

 Deep Griha Dinner
Friday, April 04, 2025, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Group: Missions

Join us for dinner in celebration of the 50 years of service and life-changing programs provided by Deep Griha for thousands of residents from infants to seniors in the slums of Pune. A delicious repast supplied by Steven’s Catering with cookies donated by Northstar Café will be served.


Deep Griha Director, Ashlesha Onawale, is traveling to Columbus from India to be a featured speaker at this event. She will be joined by gubernatorial candidate, Dr. Amy Acton, Former Director of the Ohio Department of Health, and by Dr. Cathy Slemp, Former Commissioner of the West Virginia Bureau of Public Health.


Please plan to come celebrate the 50 years of Deep Griha Society, the Lighthouse!


Friday, April 4 at 6 pm

Wing Grace Hall, FC North

3777 Dublin Rd. Columbus, OH 43221


Registration is required.


Click here to register.

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