Regular worship schedule continues this Sunday. Click here for details.

Date:  Saturday, February 3, 2024
Time:   10 am
Location:  Both in-person and virtual options. Registration is requested to safely plan for seating needs, as well as to provide the appropriate Zoom links to virtual attendees. Register HERE or by clicking the button below.

  • In-person: First Community North, Grace Hall, 3777 Dublin Road

  • Virtual: Online meeting via Zoom meeting link. Meeting information packets will be emailed.

  • Audible, only: You can call a provided phone number to hear the meeting, no visual options will be available.

Qualified Members:  Must be either an Active or Associate Member of First Community and meet the criteria for membership as defined in the Membership Brochure.

Meeting Information Packets: A meeting information packet will be emailed. To have a packet mailed to your home, click to provide your name and address.

Questions: If you have questions concerning the annual meeting, email   , and someone will respond.

Register to attend the Annual Meeting

Coming Soon - Access the Annual Meeting Packet Here

Governing Board, Diaconate, and Nominating Committee Slates

2024 Diaconate Slate Bios

2024 Governing Board Slate Bios

2024 Nominating Committee Bios