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Day 40 (Palm/Passion Sunday)

Day 40 (Palm/Passion Sunday)

March 28, 2021

Day 40 (Palm/Passion Sunday)

Artist Reflection: Through the Palms
by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman
Inspired by John 12:1-19 | Hand-carved block printed with oil-based ink on paper

Jesus lies down on the donkey’s back, steeling himself before his journey through the palms. He has a target on his back—he’s a disruption to the status quo upheld by the Pharisees and Chief Priests, and a threat to the power of the empire. His friend Lazarus is caught up in it all too. I imagine as he closes his eyes and strokes the donkey’s hair, he hears the anguish in Mary and Martha’s voices as they cried out to him, wondering why he took so long. I imagine he smells the pungent fragrance of the burial perfume poured on his feet, bringing into clarity the reality of his impending death. I
imagine he sees the judgment on Judas’ face as he was scrutinized for wasting perfume and neglecting those in desperate need.

Jesus plans to enter the city in a way that symbolically subverts power, taking a route opposite of the military leaders who oversee the festival celebrations. His entry would make a definitive statement, imaging an alternative kind of power, a servant leader riding an humble donkey. He knew this act would inch him closer to state-sanctioned torture and death.

We are in a time when we need to draw on courage to call into question the structures that uphold systems of oppression. We are in a time when we need to subvert the powerful and protect the vulnerable. The crowds close in on Jesus. Some lift their hands in praise, others point accusingly. I hope this image serves as a reminder to call upon God for the courage you need, to rest and recharge for the work ahead. But I hope it also heartens you to move forward in courage, even in the midst of great resistance, toward the work God is calling you into.
—Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

Lenten Box Activity of the Week
WEEK 6: Burying Seeds, Planting Hope

We are drawing nearer to Easter Sunday. But let’s not rush there just yet. This week, we will remember the somber events of the Last Supper, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. In the deep despair we feel as we move through these days, it feels appropriate to bury something just as we have buried our “Alleluias.” Yet we know that life will spring forth again – if only we are patient enough to wait for it!

• You will need a packet of seeds, a small cup or pot, planting soil, and water. Clear cups work well for observing growth over time. You can choose to use several cups and put just a few seeds in each.
• Fill your cup or pot 2/3 full with planting soil.
• Place some seeds into the soil, and then cover the seeds with a bit more soil.
• Follow the directions on your packet for watering your seeds and providing them with enough sunlight.
• In several days, you’ll begin to see sprouts of new life.
• As you watch your seedlings grow, give thanks for the new life in Christ promised to us in the resurrection!

Daily Devotion: Overturn

Read: Matthew 21:12-17

Reflection Questions: What rhythms, habits, perspectives, narratives, or ways of thinking need to be overturned in your life?

Prayer: God of justice, you have never hesitated to overturn unjust structures—power systems, tables, stereotypes. In many ways, this can feel shocking to us. We humans are known for moving slowly when it comes to change or progress. So today I pray, help me let go of the need to control the tempo. I want to help you overturn. Amen.

—Prayer by Rev. Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC |sanctifiedart.org

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