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April 28 9 and 11 am services at FC North. Please note there is NO 10 am South service on this day.

Day 3 (Friday)

Day 3 (Friday)

February 19, 2021

Day 3 (Friday)

Artist Reflection: Invited In
by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman
Inspired by Matthew 6:1-21
Hand-carved block printed with oil-based ink on paper

Again and again, we are invited inward. The common thread here is the focus on expressing love for God in secret, not for the recognition
of others, but as an outpouring of devotion for God alone. I think the references to spiritual disciplines are less about the particular acts
themselves and more about the intention fueling the action. The intention affects the quality of the action itself. Does your outward action align with
what’s going on inside of you?

There are times when I’ve been with friends and I’ve felt this tug to document the event and share it on social media. This impulse yanks
me out of the present moment, away from my friends, and I find myself focused on how the event might be perceived by others. Ultimately, it’s
as though the moment isn’t actually happening. I’m not present in mind, body, or spirit; I am elsewhere, fixated on my phone. Have you heard this
before: “If you didn’t post it, did it even happen?” I think that is a great question to consider. Are we so caught up in the amplification of our actions and how they are widely perceived, that the actions themselves are void? If we are more concerned with how our public prayers and acts of allyship are received, are we actually praying? Are we actually being an ally?

God invites us into thorough self-examination and authentic relationship. In this image, a person kneels with arms extended, basking in the glow of God’s all-encompassing love. It is in the true pursuit of God, this intimate, inward turning, that God sees you. It is in our full, embodied intentionality that we find deep connection with God and ourselves. This is the reward.
—Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

Daily Devotion: Come and see

Read: John 1:35-42

Reflection Questions: In a world that loves certainty, where could you practice curiosity? How might curiosity be a spiritual tool?

Prayer: Inviting God, you are a God who is up to something good, always thinking ahead, always inviting us to join. So spark curiosity in me today so that I might ask, “Where are you going? I want to tag along.” Amen.

—Prayer by Rev. Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org

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